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10 JOD /500mg

Niacin plays a key role in converting food into energy and helps maintain the normal function of nerves, skin, and the digestive system for a Healthier Future.
Niacin is one of the eight B vitamins, and it's also called vitamin B3.
9 Health Benefits of Niacin:
1. Lowers LDL Cholesterol by 5–20%.
2. Increases HDL Cholesterol by 15–35%.
3. Lowers Triglycerides by 20–50%
Consequently, this lowers the production of both LDL and very low-density lipoprotein.
4. Help Prevent Heart Disease.
5. Help Treat Type 1 Diabetes.
6. Boosts Brain Function:
Your brain needs niacin to get energy and function properly. In fact, brain fog and even psychiatric symptoms are associated with niacin deficiency. it could also help keep the brain healthy in cases of Alzheimer's disease.
7. Improves Skin Function:
Niacin helps protect skin cells from sun damage, whether it's used orally or applied as a lotion.
8. Reduce Symptoms of Arthritis.
9. Treats Pellagra.
No added sugar, yeast, preservatives, artificial flavors or colors
