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Stress B with Zinc
Stress B with Zinc

Stress B with Zinc


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10 JOD

This multivitamin used to treat or prevent vitamin deficiency due to poor diet, certain illnesses, or during pregnancy. Vitamins are important building blocks of the body and help keep you in good health.
* Folic, Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B7, C, E, B6, B12, Zinc and Copper.
A food supplement that provides the body with all of the following:
* Vitamin B1: A coenzyme in carbohydrate metabolism, contributes to preventing complications in the mind, heart, muscles, and digestive system, to prevent excessive diarrhea and treat loss of appetite.
* Vitamin B2: Flavoprotein enzymes that are necessary for normal tissue respiration, in addition to activating pyridoxine and converting tryptophan to niacin, it contributes to maintaining the mucous tissues of the digestive system, maintaining the health of the liver, nerves, muscles, eyes and skin absorption, and activation of iron, folic acid and vitamin B1 B3 and B6.
* Vitamin B3 (nicotinamide): aids in cell metabolism and DNA synthesis, and plays an important role in cell signaling.
* Vitamin B5: contributes to energy production and the manufacture of cholesterol and hormones.
* Vitamin B6: Helps in the metabolism of proteins, amino acids, red blood cell production and maintaining nerve integrity.
* Vitamin B7 (Biotin): A vitamin that helps in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, and contributes to maintaining healthy nails, hair and skin, and reduces nerve damage.
* Vitamin B9 (folic acid): It is one of the water-soluble forms of vitamin B. Folic acid used to treat and prevent folate deficiency. Folic acid is widely used among women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, as it prevents miscarriage, and patients with diabetes, heart, and dementia, to support nerve health.
* Vitamin B12: Helps in the manufacture of DNA and red blood cells and maintains the nervous functions in the body.
* Copper: an essential nutrient that acts as a cofactor for serum ceruloplasmin, an oxidase required for the proper formation of the protein transferrin needed for iron transport in the blood. It also helps maintain normal rates of red and white blood cell formation and helps prevent the development of symptoms of leukopenia, neutropenia, anemia. Blood and osteoporosis in addition to contributing to the wound healing process.
* Zinc: An essential mineral that contributes to stimulating the activity of 100 enzymes in the cell, to boost the immune system, treat colds and frequent ear infections, and prevent lower respiratory infections, treat some eye diseases such as macular degeneration and night blindness, and mind diseases such as Alzheimer’s.
* Vitamin E : Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties protect the body from free radicals. Treatment for all types of cancer, strengthening treatments Nervous system. Vitamin E protects against pressure and heart diseases, for the skin, as it treats skin ulcers, sunburn, and gives the skin freshness, vitality, and cohesion. 
* Vitamin C: An antioxidant vitamin that contributes in many metabolic processes, such as the production of carnitine, collagen, amino acids and hormones. It is needed for connective tissue production and absorption, and iron storage in the body. It contributes to improving the body's immunity and reducing the incidence of infection.
