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Green Coffee
Green Coffee

Green Coffee

15 JOD

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100 Tablets

Green coffee bean extract contains several bioactive compounds, including caffeine and chlorogenic acids, which account for its healthful properties.
* Weight loss
Consuming caffeine help promote weight loss, caffeine consumption can reduce body weight, body mass index (BMI), and body fat.
The high levels of chlorogenic acids in green coffee bean extract are key to its weight loss effects.
Chlorogenic acids also boost fat metabolism, lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and improve obesity-related hormone levels.

Lose Weight- It Really Works!
Green coffee extract is made from the unroasted green beans of the Coffea canephora plant. Green coffee bean extract contains 45% chlorogenic acids, which have been shown people lose weight.
It’s 100% Pure, Premium Green Coffee
is made with 100% pure, premium ingredients you can trust. The key ingredient - green coffee standardized for 45% chlorogenic acids - is backed by two scientific ingredients.
Powerful Formula
100% Pure Green Coffee + delivers 800 mg of green coffee per serving, including 200 mg of green coffee standardized for 45% chlorogenic acids.
Weight loss with key ingredients (200 mg of standardized green coffee bean extract) was 5 Kg in 60-days with a low-calorie diet, and with a calorie-reduced diet and moderate exercise.


