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Hydrolyzed Collagen For Men
Hydrolyzed Collagen For Men
Hydrolyzed Collagen For Men

Hydrolyzed Collagen For Men

25 JOD /5,000mg

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290 Tablets

Collagen is the fundamental structural protein found in joints, bones, skin, nails and other connective tissues. It is responsible for maintaining the strength, elasticity and flexibility of these tissues found throughout the body. When taken as a dietary supplement, regular consumption of collagen peptides provide the fundamental building blocks to help support healthy joints, bones, skin, hair and nails.
Collagen Benefits:
* Joint and Bone Health
Collagen supplementation is very helpful in optimizing joints and helping bone strength. Collagen supplementation not only reduced inflammation in joints but also prevented the loss of cartilage in the joint.
* Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is diagnosed when bone density is thinner than expected. Osteoporosis are at increased risk of bone fractures, collagen can help increase bone strength.
* Tendon  Strength
Tendons are thick fibrous cords made of collagen. Tendons connect muscles to bones and are responsible for movement.  Ensuring strong tendons is important to help prevent injury.  collagen supplementation improves tendon strength.
* Skin  Health Collagen supplementation has numerous benefits for skin, shown that oral collagen supplementation is helpful for those with cellulite and wrinkles. It also improve the growth of hair and nails.
* Less Cellulite
Collagen Peptides leads to an improvement of cellulite and has a positive impact on skin health. Collagen replacement helps reduce facial skin wrinkles and skin elasticity.
* Anti-aging
Collagen peptide is beneficial supplement to suppress UV-B-induced skin damage and photo-aging and improve hallmarks of skin aging.
* Nail and Hair Growth
Supplementation of collagen resulted to increase nail growth rate and a decrease of broken nails. 

Enhanced with Vitamin C & Biotin, 18 Amino Acids.


